Plotulopi 1425 - sunset rose heather
Plötulopi can be worked one, two or more ply at a time, depending on how bulky a yarn you want.It has been used by Icelanders from the time the vikings settled this land and has become very popular in modern times because of the many possibilities of use. Gently wind the required number of strands together into a ball by taking the end from the centre and the end from the outside of the plate, or plates. Plötulopi is very fragile to knit. We recommend the continental knitting technique as it permits control with very loose tension. Since Plötulopi is an unspun yarn, it is fragile to knit; however, due to the length of its fibres, it knits into a sweater that is both sturdy and soft. 100% new wool yarn each unit is 3.5 oz approx. 328 yd.
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